Finally, you can stop asking yourself "What's for dinner?"

Have you ever felt stressed out, overwhelmed, or annoyed when dinnertime rolled around and you didn't have a plan?

Or maybe you have tried a few different meal planning systems and they all require so much work and time?

It was after feeling all of these feelings that I decided to experiment with a minimal meal plan so simple that I could feel empowered rather than overwhelmed. 

Seven Days, Seven Dinners is a framework that provides the instruction and tools for your family to create a personalized minimal meal plan that works with your budget, skill level, and dietary preferences!

This course is for you if:

  • You feel stressed out by dinnertime.
  • You would like to save some time, energy, and money that you spend on meals.
  • You appreciate consistency.
  • You are willing to experiment with a new system.

This course is NOT for you if:

  • You love spending lots of time planning meals.
  • You don't ever feel overwhelmed or stressed by dinnertime.
  • You value variety over consistency.
  • You already have a meal planning system that works perfectly for you.

What Is Covered In 7 Days / 7 Dinners?

Lesson 1: Why Try A Minimal Meal Plan?

Lesson 2: A Nutrition Perspective 

Lesson 3: The Building Blocks Of A Healthy Dinner

Lesson 4: How To Create Your Minimal Meal Plan

Lesson 5: Creating A Weekly Grocery List

Lesson 6: Adjusting For Unexpected Circumstances

Lesson 7: Seasonal, Minimal Meals

*BONUS*: Meal Planning In Crisis


Minimal Meal Planning Course, $17

  • 7 lessons in video, audio, and written format so you can learn in your favorite way. 
  • Special bonus lesson for meal planning during crisis.
  • 15 page PDF printable workbook with all of the tools you need to create a simple, personalized meal plan for your family.

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Over $100 value!